在吃方面, London 頗多星級選擇; 同 Paris 比較價格方面又相宜得多, 以一個正常 3-course set lunch 為例: London 大約賣 GBP40, Paris 要 EUR120... you can imagine hubby 喺出發前要我訂定幾多餐
一餐下午茶, 喺傳統同 fashionista 之間, 我哋揀咗後者, 啲甜點係 inspired by 近期嘅 fashion show show pieces, 叫做好睇 唔難食咁啦
Mouth-watering Prêt-à-Portea delicacies with a fashionista twist.
The Berkeley London designer afternoon tea, Prêt-à-Portea, is inspired by the themes and colours of the fashion world. The menu is transformed every six months to follow the changing seasons in fashion.We are delighted to introduce our gorgeous new china on which to serve your Prêt-à-Portea in true fashionista style.(source: www.the-berkeley.co.uk)

極喜愛呢套茶具 |

有 sandwich 填肚的 |
Tory Burch's bikini, Manolo Blahnik's slingback |
inspired by Alexander McQueen... lovely bee and honeycomb |
Jonathan Saunders' polka dots... |
We had fun
Pétrus is a restaurant in London, England, which serves Modern French cuisine. It is located in Kinnerton Street, Knightsbridge, and is run by head chef Sean Burbidge on behalf of celebrity chefGordon Ramsay's Kavalake Limited. It has held one Michelin star since 2011, and five AA Rosettes. Controversy arose when the star was first awarded. It has received mixed reviews from food critics both while in its current incarnation, and while it was run by head chef Marcus Wareing. It was felt that the dishes were sometimes overcomplicated, and designed primarily to gain Michelin stars. The restaurant was named after the French wine Pétrus.(source: Wikipedia)
Pétrus 嘅龍蝦係全程 lobster dish 之中做得最好的 |
其實佢嘅 appetizers 同 desserts 都好得 |
yummy quail appetizer |
到 dessert 時, 天已黑, 啲相亦越嚟越暗, 請包涵
見到遠處小 yam 嘅 peach sorbet 嗎? 佢話似食緊冰鎮鮮桃喎... 哇, 咁不得了?
Dinner by Heston Blumenthal is a restaurant located in London, England. Opened in January 2011, it gained a Michelin star within a year, and in 2012 was listed as number 9 on The World's 50 Best Restaurants. It is the second restaurant by celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal to hold a Michelin star, the other being The Fat Duck. The restaurant is headed by former Fat Duck head chef Ashley Palmer-Watts. Menu options are based on historical British dishes, which were researched by food historians and through the British Library. Prior to opening the restaurant created a buzz around the industry, and reviews have been positive. Particular dishes have received praise, including the meat fruit, a chicken liver mousse created to look like a mandarin orange.
(source: wikipedia)
Dinner - 為食 hubby 當然有試 signature dish meat fruit 啦, 賣相可愛, 酸酸嘅果皮平衡 heavy 嘅雞肝
bone marrow + snail |
今次歐洲嘅 meal experience, 無論係 quail, pigeon (this one) 定鴨都做得好好味 |
salad with snail, pretty and yum |
skate wing |
pork belly + crispy 豬皮 |
估佢唔到嘅係呢度嘅 Chinese tea 好好味
更估唔到係佢嘅 tea selection 中竟然有 1970 年嘅普洱供應, 賣 EUR25 |
hubby 嘅 app 係 buffalo milk curd with onion broth, he said yummy |
served with truffle toast, he said extra yummy |
沙律真係好好味, 材料有 french beans, fresh almonds, peach 同 foie gras 碎; 加上賣相極佳... 大愛 |
black foot chicken |
sea bass 上面塊閃令魚皮其實係豉油味嘅 jello, 襯返個魚 |
passion fruit souffle for hubby |
我另一個令令 dish, creme brûlée 上面有刨冰、西瓜、berries... a very refreshing summer dessert |
光顧 The Ledbury 有另一得著>>> 有間 LC 喺 Ledbury Road |
Another one...
Perfectly suited to Knightsbridge, Marcus Wareing at The Berkeley is the place for sophisticated Michelin-starred dining in London. Marcus Wareing is known for his modern, light cuisine delivering the best flavours. He serves modern European food, making use of ingredients from all over the British Isles and further afield. (source: www.the-berkeley.co.uk) |
又有美味 quail |

Overall: 係咪齋睇都覺 over 咗呢?
哇~~~ 食左咁多好野
[版主回覆08/07/2013 19:28:51]over 咗
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/07/2013 19:28:29]too much ah
我都覺得套茶具好靚呀!令我想起萬花筒 。LC 相見到好得意的有蓋水樽呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/07/2013 19:28:05]禾都 like 個水樽, 可惜得紅同橙, nope!
[版主回覆08/11/2013 23:16:22]幾時又去 London?
lovely bee------->到!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/11/2013 23:15:49]你哋兩個係咪踩場?
[FEON回覆08/10/2013 11:59:32]wakakakakaka
wedgwood 套茶具
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/11/2013 23:15:08]禾都係 same focus 喎