首先多謝 11R 通消息, 如果唔係我哋只會不斷 miss 呢類 guest chef promotion (因為我哋勁 backward... 重未 sign up online magazine )
呢啲 fine dining 通常都係 dinner 正過 lunch, 但基於小朋友入場有 restriction, 作為一對好父母 ... 我哋捨 dinner 取 lunch
係一個 3-course set lunch menu...
先送上 Parma Ham

HB's Traditional Tagliatelle with Air Dried Ham and White Truffle Sauce

My Prawns Tart, Aubergine, Tomatoes and Vegetables Ratatouille
Like the combination

HB's Truffled Lamb, Gratinated Potatoes and Crispy Leek Rings
Crispy leek rings 好好味

My Turbot with Cervia Sea Salt, Flavoured with Vanilla, Mushroom and Blackberries Ragout

HB's Poached Pear in Spiced Rum and Cinnamon Ice Cream

My Lemon Sphere, Mandarin and Grapefruit Crushed Ice-shooter
我鍾情酸酸甜甜嘅 dessert, 入面嘅 citrus curd 好特別, 唯獨係 portion 太大 (對比片檸檬就知個 sphere 有拳頭咁大 ), 太多啦!

Overall 好味道, 但驚喜欠奉... as 11R said, 都係法國菜精緻啲 星期四就有得 book 啦, 希望 book 到啦, 有難道呢!
鄰座係一位老太太, 聽佢同啲 staff 嘅對話知佢今次 promotion 已經試過好幾次...
佢沖沖吃過就結帳走人... 明顯地佢好喜愛美食但冇人陪同, 好寂寞呢 !
同另一半嘅每一餐都係一個 blessing, 我哋要多多珍惜呀!
111111~~~~~~~同另一半嘅每一餐都係一個 blessing, 我哋要多多珍惜呀>>>>>couldn't agree more
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/03/2011 23:06:44]我好少咁感性, kekeke...
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 22:54:33]囡囡做你搵食 partner, 真幸福!
333333333~~~~~同另一半嘅每一餐都係一個 blessing, 我哋要多多珍惜呀>>>>>couldn't agree more x 10!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 22:55:08]我見你努力地煮呀!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 22:56:39]兔, 個拳頭唔係兔拳頭, 係人類拳頭呀... tennis ball 咁大!!!
444444 又見到好多美食tim
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 22:57:01]為食嘛!
星期四9am呀,heehee! 我要較alarm, wakakaka!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 22:57:37]warm up 定啲手指先, kekeke
yes, you are so right! 多多珍惜
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 22:58:30]大家咁話 :D
你地真係好好的父母呀,一家齊齊去食美食...讚~同另一半嘅每一餐都係一個 blessing, 我哋要多多珍惜呀! <-- 我都好同意呀...真係要珍惜眼前人~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/04/2011 23:01:31]慚愧, 我哋係襯佢返學揀 lunch 時段 :P
同另一半嘅每一餐都係一個 blessing, 我哋要多多珍惜呀! [(big hug)]>> really true^^
ReplyDelete[版主回覆10/05/2011 14:59:29]Big hug, BB!!!